
KenjiLópez-Alt.TheFoodLab:BetterHomeCookingThroughScience(Hardback).,2022年3月8日—He'salsoamythicalunicorn.He'swrittenthreebooks,mostnotablyTheFoodLab,whichsoldhalfamillioncopiesandisabiblical,holytome ...,...TheFoodLab,andacolumnistforCookingLight.HelivesinSanFrancisco...Waterstones·Bookshop·PizzaNightCover.jpg.OrderToday!Booklarder(signed ...,2015年10月30日—J.KenjiLópez-Altshowsthatcooksdon'...

J. Kenji López

Kenji López-Alt. The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science (Hardback).

J. Kenji López

2022年3月8日 — He's also a mythical unicorn. He's written three books, most notably The Food Lab, which sold half a million copies and is a biblical, holy tome ...

Shop For My Books — J. Kenji López

... The Food Lab, and a columnist for Cooking Light. He lives in San Francisco ... Waterstones · Bookshop · Pizza Night Cover.jpg. Order Today! Booklarder (signed ...

The Food Lab by J. Kenji López

2015年10月30日 — J. Kenji López-Alt shows that cooks don't need a state-of-the-art kitchen to cook perfect meals. In a book centred on much-loved dishes, ...

The Food Lab

In The Food Lab, Kenji focuses on the science behind beloved American dishes, delving into the interactions between heat, energy, and molecules that create ...

The Wok by J. Kenji López

2022年3月8日 — Kenji Lopez-Alt's debut cookbook, The Food Lab, revolutionised home cooking, selling more than half a million copies with its science-based ...